“It is not the answer that enlightens, but the question.” – Eugene Ionesco
Each situation raised a different set of questions.
These questions and sections are far from being exhaustive but provide a structure and a starting point.
PLEASE email me with your suggestions and favorite questions at:
MICRO (Company)
Does the company culture support the sales culture? (What is the key driver of the organization?)
Does the company setup impact the culture? (Private, Public, Non-Profit, etc.)
Could the company affiliation influence the strategy? (Is the business attached to an Educational Society, Academy, partnership, non-compete?)
Does the company have any specific restrictions? (Philosophical, competitive, legal?)
Does the company vision support the sales objectives? (Is the sales department a key player in the achievement of the vision?)
Does the company expertise lie in this field? (Is the product/offer a core company expertise?)
Is the sales strategy a priority for the organization? (Is it part of the CEO's priority and path to vision?)
Are other company divisions/departments supportive of the sales strategy and objectives? (Is the department supported or isolated?)
Does the company have the means to support the vision and goals? (Budget, resources, expertise, credibility?)
MESO (Industry)
Is our industry defined, as well as the industries adjacent to it? (To which industry(ies) does the company belong?)
Do we have a clear understanding of the industry life cycle? (Seasonality, rhythm?)
In which phase is our industry? (Growing, mature, decline? Re-invention?)
Is the industry going through a transformation phase? (Due to new technology such as A.I, legislation, market change?)
Who are the key players in the industry? (Leaders, influencers, drivers, key players? Organization/association?)
What is the company's position in the industry? (Leader, driver, follower...?)
Do we have a SWOT analysis of the industry? (What is the current state and what are the key drivers?)
MACRO (Territory)
What's the economic situation of the territory(ies)? (Are we in a booming economy?)
Are there any "environmental" issues? (General public mood or influence?)
Are there any legislation challenges? (Impact of Sunshine Act on Medical Publishing?)
Are there any trade regulations? (Geographical restrictions due to a political issue?)
What's the political situation? (Is it stable, does it create optimism?)